By Alpineer Marketing Company 2/26/2022
Marketers have dealt with attribution since the beginning of time. The concepts of billboards, print advertising, etc speak to the idea that this has likely always been an issue.
The old adage of "half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half" by John Wanamaker was uttered over 100 years ago. Digital Marketing can help find some sense of the attribution but that saying still rings true today.
I typically like to talk about directly attributable sales and total return. This is usually in Google Analytics or the backend of their sites but when it comes to local campaigns we have to work with our clients to discern success.
Paid ads traffic can account for a majority of direct & organic search revenue without giving proper credit. I have seen clients shut off advertising for not understanding this only to get a frantic phone call the next week.
We grew up in the Pacific Northwest, raised by Mountains.
We believe there is a good parallel between the difficult conditions of the Mountains and the competitive nature of business in today’s world
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